Engage@EMU, an initiative of Eastern Michigan University
Digital Connecting Corps- Ypsilanti, Milan & Chelsea
The Digital Connecting Corps is a collaboration between Engage@EMU and the University of Michigan Ginsberg Center through funding from the Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation. During the pilot, occupational therapy students from EMU and UM social work students worked with older adults at the Ypsilanti, Milan, and Chelsea Senior Centers, while also launching a tech helpline for remote service. Since August 2021, over 70 devices were distributed to approximately 150 older adults.
Website: https://www.emich.edu/engage/community/digital-connecting-corps.php
TimeSlips- Ypslanti
In April 2022, Engage@EMU brought TimeSlips’ unique style of creative engagement to the Ypsilanti Senior Center by hosting three separate workshops. These workshops introduced improvisational and storytelling techniques to older adults that promoted connection, self-expression, and fun.
TimeSlips is a non-profit alliance of artists and caregivers bringing meaning and joy to late life through creative engagement. Their core improvisational storytelling method is evidence-based and has been replicated by Certified Facilitators in 47 states and 19 countries. Their Creative Communities of Care training infuses creativity into organizations serving elders including skilled nursing, assisted living, independent living, senior centers, memory cafés, and museums. TimeSlips believes every human being deserves to feel meaning and purpose, and that growth and expression is possible all the way through the end of our lives
Website: https://www.emich.edu/engage/community/collaborative-programs/timeslips.php